Kitty Perry! Katy displays her purrfect dance routine alongside a giant purple cat

Cats on stage: Katy Perry danced in a tiny blue bodysuit alongside a giant purple cat in Orlando, Florida
Cats on stage: Katy Perry danced in a tiny blue bodysuit alongside a giant purple cat in Orlando, Florida
Kitty Perry! Katy was also dressed as a cat herself for part of the show and managed to pull off the transition into a feline very well
Kitty Perry! Katy was also dressed as a cat herself for part of the show and managed to pull off the transition into a feline very well
Kitty Perry! Katy was also dressed as a cat herself for part of the show and managed to pull off the transition into a feline very well
Put your right leg in: Her wardrobe changes gained as much applause as her set list did, as she changed seven times in two hours
Put your right leg in: Her wardrobe changes gained as much applause as her set list did, as she changed seven times in two hours
Animal instincts: Katy then transformed into a peacock on stage in an electric blue and green costume
Animal instincts: Katy then transformed into a peacock on stage in an electric blue and green costume
Colourful wardrobe: Katy through a yellow, orange, blue and green feather boa over her shoulders before being inspired by Hersey Chocolates
Colourful wardrobe: Katy through a yellow, orange, blue and green feather boa over her shoulders before being inspired by Hersey Chocolates
Colourful wardrobe: Katy wore a yellow, orange, blue and green feather boa over her shoulders as part of her routine and a silver Madonna-inspired cone bra and pants ensemble as she danced on stage
Floral lady: Katy showed her softer side in a bodysuit adorned with pink roses as she sat on a swing, also decorated with the flowers
Floral lady: Katy showed her softer side in a bodysuit adorned with pink roses as she sat on a swing, also decorated with the flowers
Flower power: In yet another costume change Katy wore a pink bodysuit adorned with pink roses as she sat on a swing, also decorated with flowers
Candy themed: Katy looked a treat in her lollipop-inspired dress and showed off yet another look in a blue doll-like frock while holding a laser beam
Candy themed: Katy looked a treat in her lollipop-inspired dress and showed off yet another look in a blue doll-like frock while holding a laser beam
Candy themed: Katy looked a treat in her lollipop-inspired dress, left, and showed off yet another look in a blue doll-like frock in front of one of her mime artists
California girl! Katy's tour continues tonight in Ft Lauderdale in Florida before heading to North Carolina next week
California girl! Katy’s tour continues tonight in Ft Lauderdale in Florida before heading to North Carolina next week

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