“Gal Gadot’s Experience with Justice League Director: Forced Silence and Humiliation After Being Trapped in a Closed Room”

During the filming of Justice League, actress Gal Gadot was reportedly threatened and humiliated multiple times by director Joss Whedon. The director of the 2017 film has been criticized for “racial discrimination” and “sexual objectification” of Wonder Woman, even locking Gal Gadot in a room during filming. Sources claim that Joss Whedon made numerous threats towards actress Gal Gadot, who portrays Wonder Woman, during the filming process of Justice League. This information has caused outrage among many Vietnamese viewers, as Gal Gadot is currently one of the most beloved actresses in Hollywood.

Lộ chuyện Gal Gadot bị đạo diễn Justice League bắt phải câm miệng, sỉ nhục sau phốt nhốt vào phòng kín - Hình 1

In 2017, director Zack Snyder left the Justice League project and was replaced by Joss Whedon, who was brought on board by Warner Bros. to oversee the filming. Whedon subsequently requested that 75% of the film be reshot and made significant changes to the original script. Warner Bros. wanted to pivot the DC universe towards a brighter and more humorous tone similar to that of Marvel. Whedon, having directed the hit film Avengers, was trusted by the studio to take on the Justice League project. However, when the film was released in 2017, it was panned by both critics and fans for being poorly executed and containing several scenes that sexualized Wonder Woman.

Lộ chuyện Gal Gadot bị đạo diễn Justice League bắt phải câm miệng, sỉ nhục sau phốt nhốt vào phòng kín - Hình 2

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Throughout the process of making Zack Snyder’s Justice League, actor Ray Fisher (who plays Cyborg) has spoken out multiple times about the “abusive, unprofessional, and unacceptable” behavior of Joss Whedon on set. Both Gal Gadot and Jason Momoa (who plays Aquaman) have also expressed support for Fisher. Warner Bros. announced that they conducted a special investigation into the incident, but did not disclose the results of the investigation.
Recently, The Hollywood Reporter revealed several controversial developments on the set of Justice League, particularly involving actress Gal Gadot.

Lộ chuyện Gal Gadot bị đạo diễn Justice League bắt phải câm miệng, sỉ nhục sau phốt nhốt vào phòng kín - Hình 3

The female movie star was dissatisfied with the new direction the film took when exploring her character, Wonder Woman, as well as the lines she had to deliver. As a result, Joss Whedon was reported to have threatened Gal Gadot’s career if she did not comply. He even went as far as threatening to “ruin the reputation” of Patty Jenkins – the director of the blockbuster Wonder Woman franchise and a close friend of Gal Gadot.
A witness on set revealed that Joss Whedon boasted to everyone about intimidating Gal Gadot and admitted to intentionally making her say lines that he knew she wouldn’t like. “He told Gal Gadot that he is the screenwriter and she will have to ‘shut up’ and read the lines, and then he could make her look extremely foolish in this movie.”

Lộ chuyện Gal Gadot bị đạo diễn Justice League bắt phải câm miệng, sỉ nhục sau phốt nhốt vào phòng kín - Hình 4

The controversial scene is said to be the idea of Joss Whedon. There were reports that Joss Whedon locked Gal Gadot in a waiting room because she refused to film the scene where Flash falls onto Wonder Woman’s chest. The scene was still filmed with a stunt double and even appeared in the official release of Justice League. Another source from The Hollywood Reporter also shared that Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins fought with Warner Bros. chairman at the time, Kevin Tsujihara. When asked about this, the actress replied briefly: “I had issues with Joss Whedon, and Warner Bros. dealt with it in a timely manner.”

Lộ chuyện Gal Gadot bị đạo diễn Justice League bắt phải câm miệng, sỉ nhục sau phốt nhốt vào phòng kín - Hình 5

Three months after the release of Justice League, Joss Whedon has withdrawn from the development of DC’s Batgirl project. When asked to respond to the allegations on the set of Justice League, he declined to comment further.
Upon hearing this news, many Vietnamese viewers expressed anger and frustration at Gal Gadot’s unfair and humiliating treatment.
– Invite the director of the opponent’s film to make a movie, a surprising move by Warner Bros.
– Joss Whedon is in deep trouble now.
– It feels like Joss Whedon has a grudge against DC, because nobody can make such a bad movie like that.
– The Avengers weren’t even good, so why did they hire Joss Whedon?
– Another reason to hate him. How dare he harm my dear Gal Gadot!

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