“Unveiling the Flawless Image: Scarlett Johansson Shares Her Struggle with Skin Picking”

The co-founder of Outset has spilled the beans on her personal skincare tips and tricks.

The OutsetĀ©, presented by Byrdie, delves into the skincare routines of various individuals to discover the products and techniques that have worked for them. Rather than relying on quick-fix solutions, the focus is on the journey towards healthy skin. What I Put On My Face explores the long-term habits, tips, and advice that have transformed the skin of celebrities, founders, and influencers. This series also includes personal stories of failed experiments that we can all relate to. Join us as we discover the tried-and-true methods for achieving glowing, beautiful skin.

In the year 2023, the market is flooded with beauty brands created by celebrities. Hearing news of another one is more likely to elicit eye-rolls than excitement. However, Scarlett Johansson and her business partner, Kate Foster, managed to receive a positive response for their brand, The Outset. This is a notable achievement in the over-competitive and overloaded industry we have today.

The Outset is different from most celebrity brands because it was inspired by Johansson’s own struggle with acne, which lasted several years. She was annoyed with the messaging and attitudes that people with acne are forced to deal with. Additionally, the brand focuses on rebuilding the skin barrier rather than masking the symptoms of the problem. They offer vegan formulas that are clinically proven to be effective. Lastly, the duo’s mission is to avoid producing more waste. They follow this philosophy by using refillable packaging and creating products that customers can use until the very end, rather than trying once and forgetting about them.

After receiving great reviews in 2022, the brand is expanding into traditional Nordstrom stores. Johansson expressed her excitement about this partnership, as it gives customers the opportunity to experience the products firsthand before buying them. To mark this milestone, Johansson revealed her personal skincare routine to Byrdie. Here’s a breakdown of Scarlett Johansson’s facial regimen.

Personal Reflection on Acne and Skincare

Acne was a major struggle for me for a considerable amount of time. During my younger years, the prevailing messaging suggested that the only way to deal with acne was by stripping off all oils from the skin. I was given prescriptions for drying creams and recommended charcoal pills and other detoxifiers. Unfortunately, this approach did not work for me. Instead, it left me with irritated skin that was not healing properly and was constantly breaking out. I found myself in a vicious cycle that persisted well into my mid-twenties.

I was scared of using moisturizers on my skin, fearing that it would only make things worse. However, one day, I had an epiphany- ā€œWhat if I tried something else?ā€ Thatā€™s when I decided to adopt a new skincare routine which involved cleansing, prepping, moisturizing and allowing my skin to heal on its own. To my surprise, my skin started repairing itself within a week! My skin was transformed, and I felt like a new person.

Looking back, I realized that I was not familiar with the concept of the skin barrier, and this was a significant factor in my struggles with acne. Had I known earlier, I would have been able to take better care of my skin. Nonetheless, adopting a new routine was a life-changing experience for me.

The Outset has shared some skincare tips that made a big difference in their routine. They prefer using fragrance-free and non-comedogenic products that are ideal for sensitive skin. The use of hyaluronic acid and squalane, along with botanical alternatives of these ingredients, has been helpful. The frustration of using drying and harsh ingredients led them to switch to nourishing products. Acne can affect one’s mood and cause depression, and the use of concealer was necessary to hide it from others. Their morning and night routines include using Micellar Cleanser, serum, boosting oil, moisturizer, scrub, and mask. The best skincare advice they have received is to throw away the 20x magnifying mirror to stop obsessing over pores. The serum is their most-used product, and they always carry hippie balm and coconut oil in their bag. They regret using apricot scrub in their teens and would never go back to it. The Outset products are now available at Nordstrom stores and nordstrom.com, where Nordy Club members can earn 5x points on qualifying beauty products.

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